WRITE Statement Action Sends data to the screen. Syntax WRITE expressionlist Remarks The argument expressionlist specifies one or more values to be written on the screen, separated by commas, with double quotation marks around the strings and no spaces around numbers. If expressionlist is omitted, a blank line is written. If expressionlist is included, the values of the expressions are written to the screen. The expressions in the list can be numeric and-or string expressions. They must be separated by commas. When the printed items are written, each item is separated from the last by a comma. Printed strings are delimited by quotation marks. After the last item in the list is printed, BASIC inserts a carriage-return-and-line-feed sequence. The WRITE statement writes numeric values without leading or trailing spaces. See Also PRINT, PRINT USING Example The following example shows the difference between the PRINT and WRITE statements. CLS ' Clear screen. A=80 . B=90 . C$="That's all." . D=-1.0E-13 WRITE A,B,C$,D PRINT A,B,C$,D Output 80,90,"That's all.",-1E-13 80 90 That's all. -1E-13